Premier ministre

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Request form

Four to six weeks are required for processing requests.

* mandatory fields


*Nature of the event celebrated

Starting at age 50, and every five years thereafter

And 100th, and every year thereafter
Example: 50, 55, 60, etc. And 100, 101, 102, etc.
Starting with the 25th anniversary, and every five years thereafter
Starting with the 25th anniversary, and every five years thereafter

*Date of the birthday, the wedding, the ordination or the taking of religious vows

 Format: yyyy-mm-dd

*Limit date for which the message is requested

 Format: yyyy-mm-dd

Please note that the message will carry the date of the birthday.
Thus, for a person born May 20, 1934, the message will be dated May 20, 2024.

Person being celebrated



*In which language do you want the message to be written?

*To whom will we send the message?

 Address of person being celebrated

 Format: A1A 1A1

 Other address

 Format: A1A 1A1

Further information

Other information useful for drafting the message:

Contact person




Service de la correspondance
Cabinet du premier ministre
Phone number: 418 643-5321

Last update: June 6, 2014
Online as of: January 30, 2008

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